All that we do is grounded in loving God and our neighbors.

The Joy of Generosity: 2025 Giving Initiative

Commit to supporting Milford First United Methodist Church in the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Please take a few minutes to complete your 2025 Estimate of Giving today:

When you give to Milford First, you make a commitment to support our  ministry in Milford and around the world!

Your Gift is an investment in transforming lives. As Christians, we recognize everything we have comes from God, and we are simply sharing these gifts for Kingdom work.

Through our tithes and offerings, we demonstrate our love for God and our neighbors. Each year, we ask our members to commit to their tithes and offerings for the coming year in support of our church's ministry and mission.

“Earn all you can and save all you can, so that you can give all you can.” - John Wesley

Your generosity determines what we can plan for and what we can do together each year. Annual giving makes possible: worship, programs for young people, pastoral care and support, community engagement, congregational programming, building and operational needs, and more!