Creating space for families to love, learn and serve.

Through weekend worship to special events, we offer a variety of ways for people of all ages to grow closer to God and each other through study, service and fun!

Opportunities for Children

  • Kids Church is offered during the second service every Sunday (except Communion Sundays) for preK through sixth graders. Children begin in worship with families and then go to their class after children’s time. On Communion Sundays (the first Sunday of each month) families remain together for the entire worship service.

    Contact Corina Atherton, family ministries director, if you worship online and would like resources to have Kids Church at home.

  • We have a whole room filled with books and games for kids – and kids at heart! Located on the second floor of the church, our children’s library is filled with books, games, puzzles and more. The library is utilized regularly by our children’s ministry and kids in A Million Dreams Learning Center. Contact Corina Atherton if you’re interested in exploring the library or using the space for your group.

    Summer Library Days
    Every Wednesday in June and July, our Children's Library is open to the public from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Simply contact Corina to let her know that you’ll be stopping by!

    Donations welcome! The Children's Library is always accepting donations of new or gently used children's books, word games and complete (no missing pieces) puzzles.

  • Each week, our family ministries director leads chapel services for children who attend A Million Dreams Learning Center. Chapel takes place every Monday and Tuesday morning for children ages 2 and up. These weekly services are a chance to extend God’s Love to the youngest among us and their families, building connections between the church and Learning Center staff.

    CLICK HERE to watch a video to learn more about this ministry.

  • WonderKids is a free literacy tutoring program, available to any students, kindergarten through 6th grade. Over the years, we've impacted the lives of more than 70 Milford students through partnerships with local elementary schools. WonderKids meets every Tuesday and Wednesday that school is in session from 3:30 to 5:45 p.m. at the church.

    WonderKids tutors work together in small groups of children, helping each group with a variety of preplanned literacy and social activities. Contact Corina Atherton for enrollment info or to volunteer!

  • Throughout the year, we offer fun, Christian-based programs like monthly movie nights and seasonal events for the entire family. Check out our events calendar or sign up to receive the Friday Five weekly e-newsletter for the latest from Milford First!

WonderKids makes a difference.

Hear from two of our tutors about how this program provides a meaningful experience for tutors and kids alike.

Opportunities for All Ages

  • Thanks to the generosity of her parents and Milford First members, Gary and Joyce Ertel, at least one scholarship of $1,000 will be awarded annually in Kelly’s memory to a graduating high school senior based on the following criteria:

    • Student must be a member or an active participant of a Milford First UMC ministry

    • Student must be pursuing further education (post-secondary education, vocational training, etc.)

    • Student must have faced personal challenges and worked to overcome obstacles in their academic pursuits

    Please return scholarship applications to the church office by April 15, 2025. Contact Corina Atherton, family ministries director, with any questions.


  • Being you can be complicated. All teens and young adults are invited to join us on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month for events and activities aimed at helping you enjoy being you – a beloved child of God! You’ll use your own creativity to make, do, accomplish or meet head-on many of the parts of being you in your own skin.

    The group gathers in the Great Hall after the WAVE free community dinner. Contact Trish Day or Corina Atherton to RSVP or for more info!

  • Stay tuned for info about our next trip!
    Join us for an intergenerational, spiritual wilderness retreat in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area of northeast Minnesota. Connect with others and rediscover yourself as you experience God through the beauty and miracle of the natural world. This trip is good for all ages 14 and above: couples, parents and teens, solo teens, or recent retirees entering a new season of life.

Connecting With Families
Throughout Our Community

  • WonderKids Tutoring Program

    WonderKids partners with elementary schools in Milford to provide a weekly tutoring and mentorship experience for students. Tutors are always needed. Contact us for enrollment info or to volunteer!

  • A Million Dreams Learning Center

    Voted Best Daycare Center in the area two years in a row, A Million Dreams creates a safe, joy-filled environment where children can grow and belong. Now enrolling!

  • Volunteer with Family Ministries

    Serving with family ministries is a simple way to make a difference in the lives of children and teens. Contact our family ministries director to learn about ways to serve!

Serve With Family Ministries

Corina Atherton
Director of Family Ministries

Email Corina for more information about our programs for families and how to get involved.

Additional help is always needed. Serving with young people is an easy, rewarding way to make a lasting impact. From nursery volunteers, Sunday School teachers and WonderKids tutors, and more, there are several ways to get involved. All you need is a heart for children and a willingness to have some fun!

Our goal is to keep kids safe! All family ministries volunteers are required to complete a background check and Safe Sanctuaries training.