Have a joy or concern to share? We’d love to pray for you and those you love.
Submit a prayer request using our online form or by calling the church office at (513) 831-5500.
Online prayer requests are shared with our staff prayer team, who pray for your joys and concerns each week. We’ll also add your request to the congregational prayer list, if requested.
Our pastors are available to pray with you and your family before or after surgery, or during hospitalization. Contact us with the date, time and hospital where you will be for surgery or other medical procedure. If you need immediate pastoral care during regular business hours, please call the church office. If you need to speak with a pastor outside of normal business hours, email pastorkenneth@milfordfirstumc.org.
Pastoral Care and Holy Communion
Pastor Bill Tice ministers to hospitalized, homebound, and the dying by offering encouragement, comfort and prayer. He’s also available to distribute Holy Communion to anyone who requests it. Contact the church office if you or a loved one would like a visit from Pastor Bill.
Rev. Bill Tice
Congregational Care Pastor