Weekly Breath Prayers: January 2025
Every Sunday, we begin our worship services with a simple breath prayer from Milford First's lay leader to guide us through the week. Below are this month’s breath prayers along with weekly reflections from Deb Johnson. We hope these prayers are meaningful tools for your spiritual life and journey!
Sunday, January 5, 2025
During our recent combined worship experience with Calvary UMC, Pastor Andre's mother shared the ultimate breath prayer with me, which is simply this: "Alleluia!"
Breathe in on the "Ah," breathe out on the "lleluia."
I believe the first full week of the calendar year is the perfect time to use this breath prayer. Alleluia means "hallelujah," or "God be praised." In this new year, let's focus on all that we already have and all that we are blessed with from our great God.
Sunday, January 12, 2025
We give of ourselves freely and often.
A breath prayer – a prayer simple enough to stay within us as we go through our day, each word with vital intention to set our heart. It is easy to give of ourselves on a good day, when life is moving smoothly. But this breath prayer has an intentional word of "freely"…freely…without reservation or hesitation.
Whenever we are called to serve, we give. Now that is a commitment! We give of ourselves freely and often. We have prayed many times in the past few months for the ability to honor those people and situations our Lord places upon our path. But what really brings joy to our heavenly Father is to act often and freely with no reservation, to act with complete trust that this has been purposely placed in front of us…often for a reason far greater than our own understanding. We give of ourselves freely and often.
The amazing gift is that when we do follow our Spirit's urging, we are all rewarded with unexpected joy ourselves…a real bonus for praying ourselves into action. May this breath prayer give you the additional confidence this week to step out where He leads you.
Sunday, January 19, 2025
We will not grow weary of doing good for your glory and our neighbor's benefit.
Wow! All you have to do is put the news on for five minutes to witness the spans of the need in our world today. That can feel very overwhelming and daunting. But we can do so much right here each and every day to make a difference among those we meet. And that is where this week's breath prayer comes in...to support us and remind us that we will not grow weary!
When we earnestly pray, we shift the focus off of us and forward to those we meet. Answering the call is all our Father asks us to do. He will do the rest and fill in the gaps that we see with our human eyes. Putting our trust in where He leads us is that first step to true service.
We have all at one time or another been blessed by a neighbor's kindness. We can refuel and return that energy by helping those around us. That little voice nudging us forward is Holy Spirit beckoning us to respond. Lift up this breath prayer this week and see where it takes you!
Sunday, January 26, 2025
May our faith produce lasting fruit.
Legacy…a word used to describe the lasting impact one has that shapes future generations. Often this is associated with money, gifts, or personal property. But I rarely hear conversations about one's spiritual legacy. Have you ever stopped to think about how others perceive the spiritual legacy you will leave behind?
Last week we talked about seeds and their potential to grow fruit. Imagine yourself as a spiritual seed…What type of lasting fruit would you like to produce? Prayer is a great path to start this personal conversation. Use this breath prayer this week as you meditate upon the possible lasting fruit you might produce and how it would affect future generations! Prayer opens our hearts to possibilities.
It seems so simple yet leading by example speaks far louder than the words we speak. May our faith produce lasting fruit…how can we live that every day? Let's offer that up to our Lord in prayer and see how Spirit speaks to our hearts. The potential results are endless!