Q&A With Worship Leader Aaron Carpenter
Every Sunday, Milford First’s praise band, Quarter to Nine, leads our 9 a.m. worship service with beautiful music and song. Learn more about the band’s members and unique style from the band’s We caught up with worship leader Aaron Carpenter to learn more about the band’s members and their distinct style.
What makes Milford First's praise band unique? We’re unique because of the vastly different types of musicians on stage, and because we use both secular and sacred music to worship. We play secular music every week before worship for a few reasons. The main reason is that God’s creation doesn’t end at the church doors, or even with churchgoers. God’s creation is everywhere and all around us; God speaks through numerous mediums, most of which we don’t even notice. The popular music we play engages the congregation in ways they wouldn’t have been without it. Our call is to make more Christians, and now more than ever, we must be creative with how we do that. If someone hears that we do classic popular music before church every week and they’re interested, then that’s another person in the doors of the church. Even if they’re just there for the music, it’s a foot in the door and an opportunity to minister.
Who are the band’s members and what talents do they bring to the group? The main band members are: Jamey Duke on drums, Tim Gerber on drums, John Noack on multiple strings, Gus Steinmetz on lead guitar, Jenna Kruse on vocals, and me (Aaron) leading worship. Jamey has an explosive, yet sensitive, style on the drums and often sings some harmony in the background. Tim is really good at learning the exact way the drummer played in the recording of the songs we play. John has a vast knowledge of songs, is talented on electric and acoustic guitars, bass, mandolin and even banjo, and he sings unique melodies and harmonies. Gus can pick up any song on the fly, made his own guitar, and plays excellent improvised solos. And Jenna just started with us but has already shown us her sweet alto voice and cheery disposition!
What do you enjoy most about leading the band? The thing I enjoy most (among many things) about leading the band is that I get to worship by singing my heart out, feeling the Spirit speak through me. That isn’t a feeling I was familiar with, or that I even knew existed, before I started leading worship.
How can people get involved? It’s really easy to get involved! Connect with ANY church staff member in person, by text, phone call, or email to let them know you’d like to join. Jenna caught me in the hallway one Sunday and said she’d like to join the band; she was on stage with us the very next Sunday. My email is carpenao@gmail.com and my phone is (513) 284-9151 if you’d like to reach out to me directly.
Join us for worship in person or online every Sunday at 9 a.m. to hear the Quarter to Nine praise band and connect with God through the beautiful songs they play!