News & Notes from Milford First UMC
The Third Week in Lent: You Are Worthy
“Many of us experience the world as a fig tree in the midst of grape vines. We are placed in fields not meant for us and yet expected to thrive. People discount and doubt us, threatening to cut us down if we don’t produce in the ways that have been defined on our behalf. We are afterthoughts demanded to bear fruit or be destroyed.”
—Rev. Larissa Kwong Abazia
Commentary on Luke 13:1-9
The Second Week in Lent: Under God’s Wing
“Jerusalem has not always treated Jesus particularly well, and yet it is clear that he still loves it so very deeply. All he wants is to protect it, like a mother hen protects her brood. Jerusalem’s actions can’t and don’t change that, for that is what true, unconditional love actually looks like.”
—Rev. Ashley DeTar Birt
The First Week in Lent: Even in the Desert
“What if it isn’t about getting out of the desert? What if we are called to dwell in our doubts, fears, anxieties, and brokenness? What if we are meant to stand in solidarity with those trapped in their own wilderness experiences? I wonder if we can imagine making a home right here, a place existing in the tension between desolation and burgeoning possibility.”
—Rev. Larissa Kwong Abazia
Weekly Breath Prayers: February 2024
Every Sunday, we begin our worship services with a simple breath prayer from Milford First's lay leader to guide us through the week. Read this month’s breath prayers along with weekly reflections from Deb Johnson.
Weekly Breath Prayers: January 2024
Every Sunday, we begin our worship services with a simple breath prayer from Milford First's lay leader to guide us through the week. Read this month’s breath prayers along with weekly reflections from Deb Johnson.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day: Connecting Faith and Action
Martin Luther King Jr. Day offers us a chance to honor the life of a man whose legacy reverberates through history, transcending boundaries of time, culture, and faith. Beyond commemorating a civil rights icon, this day offers an opportunity to integrate the principles of Dr. King's movement with our Christian faith, fostering a spirit of service, equality, unity and love.
The Journey of Advent: A Message from Pastor Mick
Join us this Advent season as we wait with excitement and joyful anticipation for the coming of the King of kings and Lord of lords into our lives anew.
Rooted and Growing Together: A Mural for Our Community
Milford First is partnering with ArtWorks to create a vibrant, community-focused mural that celebrates our region and church’s identity on the blank wall of our building facing the new Five Points Landing Park.
Milford First Designated a North Star Congregation
At the invitation of District Superintendent, Rev. Jenn Lucas, Milford First’s Visioning Board recently agreed to join a growing list of churches within the West Ohio Conference designated as North Star Congregations.
Mental Health Matters: Caring for Ourselves & Others
In today's fast-paced and demanding world, mental health and wellness have become crucial aspects of our overall well-being. As Christians, we’re called to honor God with our bodies and minds, which includes caring for our mental health. As we celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month, consider these five practical strategies that you can use to proactively care for your mental health.