News & Notes from Milford First UMC
Who Are We? We Are Milford First – the Light of Christ.
Milford First United Methodist Church is more than simply the name on the sign in front of our building. It’s a statement of our shared identity, and a statement of our shared commitment to being the Light of the World, serving our Risen Christ in our corner of God’s Kingdom.
Rev. Mick Whistler Appointed as Milford First’s Next Lead Pastor
Milford First UMC’s Visioning Board is pleased to share that Bishop Gregory V. Palmer, in conjunction with Rev. Jenn Lucas, superintendent of the Ohio River Valley District, and the West Ohio Conference Cabinet, has appointed Rev. Mick Whistler to succeed Rev. Steven Rodgers upon his retirement at the end of June 2023.
Q&A With Worship Leader Aaron Carpenter
Every Sunday, Milford First’s praise band, Quarter to Nine, leads our 9 a.m. worship service with beautiful music and song. We caught up with worship leader Aaron Carpenter to learn more about the band’s members and their unique style.
Ash Wednesday Prepares Us for Becoming the Light
The season of Lent begins with the ancient Holy day known as Ash Wednesday. That day, marked by a special evening service, invites us to move our faith from preparing for the Light, claiming the Light, and embracing the Light, to walking with Christ so closely that we become the Light – the very Light of the world Jesus calls us to be.
2023 Love Campaign: Ownership vs. Stewardship
Are we owners or stewards? What is the difference? Why does answering the question matter to those who follow Christ?
Embracing the Light: 2023 Love Campaign
We’re launching our Love Campaign during the weeks leading up to the Lenten season, a campaign that calls us to support the mission and ministry of Milford First through our time, talents and treasures.
A New Year of Wonders
A few days ago, God gifted us with a brand new year of wonders and opportunities to be the people of God in our corner of the Kingdom – what a wonderful gift! And, what a wonderful time to take stock of all we are grateful for during the past year of 2022.
#BeUMC: A Church for All People
Looking for a United Methodist church home? At Milford First, our doors and our hearts are open wide to welcome all people from every walk of life. We have faithfully served God in the Methodist tradition for more than 225 years and intend to continue our ministry as United Methodists, following the Light of Christ into the future with open arms to all who we meet and gratitude in our hearts for all that God has done and is doing in our church and community.
Finding the Christ Light: In Ourselves, Others and Creation
Through weekly video reflections, Milford First members share how they’ve experienced the Christ Light and what they do to shine that light within our church and community.
Thanksgiving Leads Us to the Advent Journey
Thanksgiving is right around the corner, a time when we are invited to remember just how blessed we are as individuals, as a church, as a nation, and to give thanks to God, the source of all blessings. It is a time set aside to be together, to remember, and to be grateful. And, as it happens nearly every year, it is the holiday that prepares us and our gratitude for the Holy Season of Advent.