News & Notes from Milford First UMC
“Do Unto Others” Study Guide: The Call of Abraham and Sarah
As we move through the Do Unto Others Kindness Campaign, we’ll live into an intentional season of growing in kindness towards our neighbors. This four-week study guide will explore the scriptural call to bless others, examining the Bible’s rich meaning behind the simple rule and how to model it in our day-to-day lives.
Margaret Alice Jones Inspires the “Do Unto Others” Kindness Campaign at Milford First
Despite division in our country, communities and churches, Jesus shows us a better way, teaching that we should treat others as we want to be treated. Join us for a five-week series as we explore the transformative power of kindness together.
You Are Loved! Meditations for Mental Health Month
Mental Health Awareness Month is a great time for each of us to be mindful of our own mental (and spiritual) wellness. Use these “You Are Loved” meditations to remember that you are a beloved child of God and “wonderfully made” in God’s image.
Creation Care: A Reading List for All Ages
One simple, yet important, place to start is by picking up a book or two to learn more about this beautiful planet God has entrusted to us and how to care for it. Here are several recommendations to get you started on your creation care journey.
Rev. Kenneth Stewart Appointed as Milford First’s Next Lead Pastor
Milford First UMC’s Staff-Parish Relations Committee is pleased to share that Bishop Gregory V. Palmer, in conjunction with Rev. Jenn Lucas, superintendent of the Great Miami River District, and the West Ohio Conference Cabinet, has appointed Rev. Kenneth Stewart as the next lead pastor of Milford First.
Full to the Brim: An Expansive Life (Holy Week)
“Expressing our joys, telling our truths, asking the questions we need to ask, repenting and making amends, being our honest and authentic selves—these things are too important to be silent. We shouldn’t have to restrain ourselves because some may temporarily experience discomfort.”
—Rev. Ashley DeTar Birt
Commentary on Luke 19:28-40
Weekly Breath Prayers: March 2024
Every Sunday, we begin our worship services with a simple breath prayer from Milford First's lay leader to guide us through the week. Read this month’s breath prayers along with weekly reflections from Deb Johnson.
Cultivating Connection with God through Nature this Spring
In this season of renewal, we can find profound meaning and inspiration through simple yet impactful interactions with God's creation. Discover three transformative ways Christians can cultivate their faith through nature during the spring.
The Fifth Week in Lent: Brazen Acts of Beauty
“We are free to bring our whole selves as a living testimony to who God has made and makes us to be, both what we label as good and that which we hide from the world. God doesn’t need our ‘good’ behavior. God needs our being/be-ing. Remember all of you is beautiful. Live as though you are an expensive gift from God to Creation, because surely you are.”
—Rev. Larissa Kwong Abazia
Commentary on John 12:1-8
The Fourth Week in Lent: Prodigal Grace
“There’s no limit to the grace we can experience with God because God puts no limits on grace. Our lives can be big, full, messy, complicated, imperfect, a wreck, and God’s grace will still be there. Go forth and experience God’s grace in the people in your life, without limits.”
—Rev. Ashley DeTar Birt
Commentary on Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32